Anthony J Sargeant, School

Mark Baxter at Bracklesham Bay in 1963


Anthony Sargeant took this photograph of his friend Mark Baxter on the beach at Bracklesham Bay in Sussex on the English South coast in 1963. Tony who was working at Bellingham Open Air swimming Pool in South London made a day trip to visit his friends bringing Barbara (Bats) Attridge a librarian friend of the boys (Mark Baxter, Bob Tweddle, and Steve Lee) and driving down in his 1936 Ford 10. The Three boys had taken vacation jobs working at the Bracklesham Bay Hotel. All of the boys and Tony went to Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School in South London.


8 thoughts on “Mark Baxter at Bracklesham Bay in 1963

  1. Alan Brooks says:

    Barbara Attridge married Jeff Hoffman the US astronaut who travelled into space more than any other US astronaut. He now teaches at MIT.


    • Barbara was a very charming bright young woman – All the boys were charmed by her.
      I drove her down to Bracklesham Bay for the day in my 1936 Ford 10 having picked her up from the Kidbrooke Estate where she lived with her parents. Just fun to be with.


  2. Alan Brooks says:

    Went out with her, when we were 14/15. She lived in Tilbrook Road. I used to knock around with Ted Pashley who lived in the next road, and Tony Allen. All of us were at Askes 55 to 61. I was in the Cairngorms , and did the 14 3000s in North Wales with the Explorers. Plus the camping in North Kent near to where Arthur Grant lived, and the weekend trips to clear woodland. I also live in Shropshire in Whitchurch. Enjoyed reading your blogs.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So many shared experiences. I have now moved from Shropshire we used to have a house in Corvedale – halfway between Much Wenlock and Craven Arms (wonderful)
    Of course I ought to remember you – I will send you the 1961 school panorama picture that might help me.
    Ted Pashley was in my form – though I thought he was from Peckham? Perhaps he moved out to Kidbrooke Estate?
    Tony Allen I knew well he played wing-forward for the Old Askeans for many years.
    I was joint form captain with Steve Lee in Mr (Arthur) Grants 3B when we went on the 3rd Form school journey to Rhu, from which trip the Explorers club was born. Let me have an address and I will send you some photographs of the Cairn Gorms in 19????.
    Kind regards


    • Alan Brooks says:

      Tony died a couple of years ago. Graham Lambert organises the occasional reunions, Mark attended as did Graham Currie and others, Covid has put a dampener on recent reunions. Ted lived in Meerbrook Road next road to Barbara. We were in the A class. I went to Rhu. Used to go to John Dobinsons house in the lunch hour with Chick Jenkins and Dick Young. Missed the skiing trip don’t know why.


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